NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link. Searched SlideID is highlighted in the table below.

Title:AtGenExpress:Stress Treatments (Cold stress)
Description:AtGenExpress: A multinational coordinated effort to uncover the transcriptome of the multicellular model organism Arabidopsis thaliana The activity of genes and their encoded products can be regulated in several ways, but transcription is the primary level, since all other modes of regulation (RNA splicing, RNA and protein stability, etc.) are dependent on a gene being transcribed in the first place. The importance of transcriptional regulation has been underscored by the recent flood of global expression analyses, which have confirmed that transcriptional co-regulation of genes that act together is the norm, not the exception. Moreover, many studies suggest that evolutionary change is driven in large part by modifications of transcriptional programs. An essential first step toward deciphering the transcriptional code is to determine the expression pattern of all genes. With this goal in mind, an international effort to develop a gene expression atlas of Arabidopsis has been underway since fall 2003. This project, dubbed AtGenExpress, is funded by the DFG, and will provide the Arabidopsis community with access to a large set of Affymetrix microarray data. As part of this collaboration, we have generated expression data from 80 biologicaly different samples in triplicate. Seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana Wilde Type (col-0) were sown on rafts in Magenta boxes containing MS-Agar-media. After 2 days in the cold room (4°C, dark) the boxes were transferred to the long day chamber. Long day conditions were 16/8 hrs light/dark, 24°C, 50% humidity and 150 µEinstein/cm2 sec light intensity. At day 11 the rafts were transferred in Magenta boxes containing MS-liquid-media. At day 16 stress treatment started at 3 hrs of light period; samples taken at 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 h after treatment (in selected indicated cases 0.25h and 4.0h too), control samples include 0h; roots and shoots were prepared separately; all treatments and preparations were done on the same batch of seedlings in one place (Lab J.Kudla/Ulm, Germany) by coworkers from the indicated groups.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
AtGen_6-1111_Cold(4C)-Shoots-0.5h_Rep12242Shoots N10921111.CEL
AtGen_6-1112_Cold(4C)-Shoots-0.5h_Rep22243Shoots N10921112.CEL
AtGen_6-1121_Cold(4C)-Roots-0.5h_Rep12244Roots N10921121.CEL
AtGen_6-1122_Cold(4C)-Roots-0.5h_Rep22245Roots N10921122.CEL
AtGen_6-1211_Cold(4C)-Shoots-1.0h_Rep12246Shoots N10921211.CEL
AtGen_6-1212_Cold(4C)-Shoots-1.0h_Rep22247Shoots N10921212.CEL
AtGen_6-1221_Cold(4C)-Roots-1.0h_Rep12248Roots N10921221.CEL
AtGen_6-1222_Cold(4C)-Roots-1.0h_Rep22249Roots N10921222.CEL
AtGen_6-1311_Cold(4C)-Shoots-3.0h_Rep12250Shoots N10921311.CEL
AtGen_6-1312_Cold(4C)-Shoots-3.0h_Rep22251Shoots N10921312.CEL
AtGen_6-1321_Cold(4C)-Roots-3.0h_Rep12252Roots N10921321.CEL
AtGen_6-1322_Cold(4C)-Roots-3.0h_Rep22253Roots N10921322.CEL
AtGen_6-1411_Cold(4C)-Shoots-6.0h_Rep12254Shoots N10921411.CEL
AtGen_6-1412_Cold(4C)-Shoots-6.0h_Rep22255Shoots N10921412.CEL
AtGen_6-1421_Cold(4C)-Roots-6.0h_Rep12256Roots N10921421.CEL
AtGen_6-1422_Cold(4C)-Roots-6.0h_Rep22257Roots N10921422.CEL
AtGen_6-1511_Cold(4C)-Shoots-12.0h_Rep12258Shoots N10921511.CEL
AtGen_6-1512_Cold(4C)-Shoots-12.0h_Rep22259Shoots N10921512.CEL
AtGen_6-1521_Cold(4C)-Roots-12.0h_Rep12260Roots N10921521.CEL
AtGen_6-1522_Cold(4C)-Roots-12.0h_Rep22261Roots N10921522.CEL
AtGen_6-1611_Cold(4C)-Shoots-24.0h_Rep12262Shoots N10921611.CEL
AtGen_6-1612_Cold(4C)-Shoots-24.0h_Rep22263Shoots N10921612.CEL
AtGen_6-1621_Cold(4C)-Roots-24.0h_Rep12264Roots N10921621.CEL
AtGen_6-1622_Cold(4C)-Roots-24.0h_Rep22265Roots N10921622.CEL